Soul Happy Breathwork

A sacred space: Coming together to pave a pathway to activate your Wellness Journey towards a Soul Happy destination.

Soul Happy Breathwork invites you on a profound exploration of joy that transcends the mundane and taps into the essence of your innermost self. It’s a journey into the depths of your being, a quest for a happiness that emanates from the very core of your soul.

soul happy is an immersive experience that will provide you with a chance to learn, practice, and connect with your breath in a supportive environment

In Soul Happy you will learn powerful , tips and tricks to heal and lean into personal growth guided by a Master Breathwork Coach.

soul happy breathwork is much more than a monthly wellness subscription

It is a safe and supportive hub for you to come home to your mind, body and soul. To discover tools to ignite or reclaim your wellness. Life is not linear, but that does not mean you need to stay stuck in the icky bits.

Stepping into wellness can be overwhelming. I get it. There is so much information out there telling you what to do, and where to do it. Soul Happy is a hub that includes the resources to guide and lead you on your journey. An affordable subscription with a consciously considered collection of resources. If you embark on this journey with me you will pave your pathway to find your BRAVE to take THE STEPS towards the life you CRAVE.

soul happy is an immersive experience that will provide you with a chance to learn, practice, and connect with your breath in a supportive environment

In Soul Happy you will learn powerful , tips and tricks to heal and lean into personal growth guided by a Master Breathwork Coach.

Stepping into wellness can be overwhelming. I get it. There is so much information out there telling you what to do, and where to do it. Soul Happy is a hub that includes the resources to guide and lead you on your journey. An affordable subscription with a consciously considered collection of resources. If you embark on this journey with me you will pave your pathway to find your BRAVE to take THE STEPS towards the life you CRAVE.

soul happy is an immersive experience that will provide you with a chance to learn, practice, and connect with your breath in a supportive environment

In Soul Happy you will learn powerful , tips and tricks to heal and lean into personal growth guided by a Master Breathwork Coach.

Soul Happy Breathwork Membership is a powerful and restorative self-care practice.

Membership Includes:

  • 1 Breathwork Class per week – Functional Breathwork, Restorative, Conscious Connected, Vivation, and Down-Regulation Breathwork Sessions. A space to slow down and to breathe with me.
  • Breathwork allows you to self-soothe the part of our nervous system that allows us to bring ease, peace and calm into our mind and bodies. In these classes we will use our breath to release tension and cultivate a greater awareness of the ways in which our body and mind can work together.
  • Breathwork is the foundation, to effectively manage stress and anxiety. It has the ability to transform lives and adding this modality and practice into your life will propel you on your wellness journey.

Controlled breathing enhances oxygen uptake, increasing the oxygen supply to your muscles. Oxygen is crucial for energy production, and by improving its delivery to muscle tissues, you accelerate the recovery process.

Why choose Soul Happy?

  • It is a space to practice tools and access resources to elevate your wellness
  • Classes and practices that will regulate your nervous system to bring ease and calm into your mind and body.
  • Easy to understand knowledge about self care that makes sense
  • Affordable and easy to access personal development
  • Resources that can be integrated seamlessly into your busy schedule

The light in me wants to connect with your light and connect your light to other lights, illuminating connections, friendships & supports.


Our breath can be truly transformative. When we focus on our breath, we learn a great deal about our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state. 

Breathwork is an effective way to become aware and allows you to focus on the present moment.  Regulating your breathing can help you address the root causes of stress or anxiety and even help you overcome your triggers. Conscious breathing will change how you respond to daily life and help you react with deliberate intention rather than a response based on anxiety, stress, or fear.

For example, when the breath becomes erratic, it signals to our body that we are anxious, fearful, or worried. When it is calm and regulated, we feel safe and at ease. Paying attention to our breathing patterns allows us to pay attention to our emotions and what we need at any given moment.

The way you breathe affects and influences your nervous system and brain. When you slow your breathing down and focus on the breath, it activates your nervous system. This activation of your nervous system is responsible for whether you respond calmly or with some type of stress response.

Breathwork moves us from our sympathetic nervous system ( fight or flight mode) to our parasympathic (rest and digest mode) allowing us to use our energy to heal, digest, process emotions, build immunity, and create harmony, calm, and homeostasis within our bodies.

Deep breathing releases neurotransmitters that trigger the release of feel-good chemicals, which leads to feelings of happiness and relaxation. When you breathe deeply, it increases your oxygen inhalation and causes you to exhale toxins. 

Taking deep, calming breaths when a trigger or stressful event occurs immediately calms the mind and body. Deep breathing can cause you to handle situations in a present and mindful way.  When you learn to respond to stressors mindfully, you will experience greater success in your recovery and develop more resiliency and gratitude.

With our hectic lifestyles today, it is common to feel stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and run down. This is because cortisol dampens our immune system. How? It’s all to do with our nervous system. Our nervous system is made up of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight state) and the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest state).

When we are in the rest and digest state, our bodies are calm and ignite inner healing.  When our breathing is calm and smooth, we experience feelings of connection, trust, and safety.

However, when we are in fight or flight mode, we are ready for an attack from a dangerous situation. Our bodies produce cortisol, we feel anxious or worried, our heart rate gets faster, our breathing gets shallow and energy is being taken from our digestion and immunity.

Unfortunately with our busy, stressful lifestyles today, we are in flight or fight mode a lot more than we should be, creating excess cortisol production, and honestly, it’s slowly killing us. It’s killing our immune systems and our circulatory system, affecting the function of our hearts, causing strokes and heart attacks, damaging our respiratory health, interrupting our sleep, creating anxiety and panic attacks, affecting our digestive systems, and forcing cells to multiply at an excessive rate leading to ill health.

Benefits of Breathwork:

  • A reduction of stress and cortisol
  • Improved inner confidence
  • Improves sleep
  • Improves creativity and helps with writer’s block
  • Mental clarity and focus
  • Improved  digestion 
  • Improved Immunity 
  • Homeostasis
  • Illness and burn-out prevention
  • Improving circulation
  • Revitalizing energy + motivation
  • A stronger connection to your gut/self
  • Balances Hormones

Breathwork can aid:

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain conditions
  • Anxiety/Overwhelm
  • Depression/Low Moods
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Digestive issues

Breathwork unveils a profound journey within, offering a gateway to enhanced well-being and self-discovery. As you embrace the power of conscious breathing, you embark on a transformative odyssey that transcends the boundaries of the physical and touches the realms of the mind and spirit.

The benefits are not merely physiological; they extend to mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual harmony. In each intentional breath, a symphony of rejuvenation unfolds, fostering a resilient mind and a vibrant life. Embrace the breath as a guiding force, and let its rhythmic dance lead you to a harmonious existence—one where vitality and inner peace intertwine effortlessly.

Breathwork is said to change and balance brainwaves; over time, this recalibrates the brain, which eliminates many symptoms caused by old emotions and trauma. The parts of yourself long forgotten wake up, and you can feel inspired, creative, and spiritual.

By controlling your breathing, you can become fully aware of your immediate state of mind and emotions and become present in the moment. When you become fully aware of your feelings, you pave a pathway to intentionally and objectively respond to what is happening around you.